Holcim Romania invests 15.000 euros in rehabilitating the athletic field of the most important college in Vrancea and challenges other companies to do the same for other schools in Romania
Focsani, April 27 2015: Holcim Romania has launched today, April 27, the new athletic field of “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” National College, which was rehabilitated with an investment of 15,000 euros. The field was inaugurated through a basketball exhibition match, with the participation of Virgil Stanescu, vice president of Romanian Basketball Federation and held in the presence of local authorities and students of the high school.
In the fall of 2014, Holcim Romania started on its official Facebook page the contest - Holcim awards your school with an A+ sports field, under the umbrella of “Masons School” project. At the end of the contest, a school in Romania was going to win the rehabilitation of an athletic field within a budget limit of 15,000 euros.
Approximately 100 schools have entered the competition, and over 100,000 people were involved in the voting process, which generated thousands of shares and comments on Facebook in less than a week. The school that obtained the most votes and benefited from the rehabilitation of the athletic field is the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” National College (CNAIC) from Focsani, Vrancea.
The prize won by the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” National College comes now as a successful activity in the 125 years of education of the College and a real support towards athletic performance offered to the 1,092 students that study here.
“CNAIC represents, for Vrancea, a symbol of quality in education, as evidence in this respect being the performant students that, over time, came to represent Romania at the highest levels, both in sporting and theoretical competitions. Through the construction of the new athletic field sponsored by Holcim Romania, we will manage to keep the competitive spirit alive and the students’ joy of devoting more time to sports and physical activities, so important for the balanced growth of children. It is wonderful that such companies do not forget about community involvement”, declared Marius Poll, Director of the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” National College, Focsani.
“The joy offered to students from CNAIC by sponsoring the rehabilitation of the athletic field reinforces our desire to create value in local communities. We believe that supporting education and investing in young people is a truly sustainable way for community development. The sponsorship offered in the Masonry School project comes as a natural continuation of our long-term corporate strategy, to build foundations for the future of society”, added Alina Cristea, Sustainable Development Manager Holcim Romania.
With this contest, children and teachers from around the country signaled a real need of schools in Romania: the lack of sports grounds infrastructure. This is why last week Holcim Romania has also started a challenge among companies, under the umbrella campaign - “Holcim hands you the rally of good deeds”. More details about this campaign are available on www.holcim.ro/itipredastafeta
“These more than 100 schools that have signed up for this contest determined us to do more than just rehabilitate the athletic field in Focsani. Therefore, we launched the challenge among other companies towards, in the hope that more students will enjoy the infrastructure needed to practice their favorite sports. Also, in sequence, to pass on the challenge to other companies. We truly believe that together we can make the difference.
We are honored to announce that Adeplast, our partner, has already officially accepted the challenge, becoming the first company to enter the “Holcim hands you the rally to good deeds” and will rehabilitate a sports ground in one of its communities”, declared François Petry, CEO of Holcim Romania.
Adeplast is the most important building materials local producer, with three industrial platforms in Oradea, Ploiesti and Roman. Due to these facilities, Adeplast is the number one thermo-systems producers in Romania. Starting 2014, Adeplast is the only Romanian producer to have obtained the European certificate ETAG 004 for Izotherm.
The rehabilitation of the athletic field initiative is part of the Masonry School program, a free professional training program offered by Holcim Romania, which was specially designed and developed for masons who want a specialization in the field and want to be updated regarding the newest techniques of construction and the best materials used in masonry. Holcim Romania launched the Masonry School project in 2012, in which approximately 550 masons have been trained. The graduates of the Masonry School have the possibility of receiving an official certification of competences by the National Qualifications Authority.
About Holcim Romania
Holcim (Romania) S.A. owns 2 cement plants in Campulung and Alesd, one grinding station and a cement terminal in Turda, 14 environment-friendly ready-mixed concrete plants, 3 aggregates plants, 2 special binders plants and one cement terminal in Bucharest. Holcim (Romania) S.A. employs around 800 people. For additional information, please visit the company’s website at www.holcim.ro and on the official Facebook page: facebook.com/holcimromania
Holcim is one of the leading providers of cement and aggregates (sand and gravel), concrete and asphalt, as well as related services. The Group holds minority and majority interests in about 70 countries on all continents.
About AdePlast
AdePlast is a leading Romanian producer of building materials, with three industrial platforms in Oradea, Ploiesti and Roman.
In Oradea, the production capacity is 250,000 tons of adhesives and dry mortars, 50,000 tons of paints and decorative plasters, and 700,000 cubic meters of expanded polystyrene (EPS) per year, including also graphite-enhanced polystyrene in cobranding with BASF.
In Ploiesti, the industrial platform comprises a plant for the manufacturing of adhesives and dry mortars, with a capacity of 450,000 tons, an EPS plant of 1,050,000 cubic meters, a 150,000-cubic meter line for the production of graphite-enhanced polystyrene, and a plant for the production of paints, decorative plasters and water-based lacquers and varnishes, with a capacity of 50,000 tons per year.
In Roman, the industrial platform includes a plant of adhesives and dry mortars with a capacity of 450,000 tons and an EPS line, with the annual capacity of 700,000 cubic meters.